Students have been reminded of the cell phone policy many times throughout the school year. They have also been reminded that they need to have their devices put away from the time they enter the building in the morning until they exit the building after dismissal. This is yet another reminder that students who are found to have their cell phones on their person, while in the building, will have them confiscated. If a phone or electronic device is confiscated, the student will be able to pick it up in the office at dismissal, provided it is their first electronics offense. According to the electronics policy, additional violations may result in device having to be picked up by a parent. Additional restrictions will apply for repeated violations.
Below you will see the electronic devices policy as listed on page 11 of the student handbook. The handbook can be accessed on the middle school website.
The Board permits possession of electronic
media devices such as laptops, iPads, kindles,
smartphones and/or other hand-held
electronic devices for instructional purposes by
The Board prohibits possession of laser
pointers on school grounds, on buses and
other vehicles provided by the District and at
school-sponsored activities.
The Board and school employees are not
responsible for stolen, lost, or damaged items.
Students who choose to bring such items on
school property and school buses retain full
responsibility for their care. Should such items
be used at inappropriate times or become
distractive to others, Administration maintains
the right to limit their use/availability.
During school hours, all electronic devices
not being used for instructional purposes,
including cell phones, must be turned off
and stored in the student’s locker.
Students who violate these rules will have their
electronic device confiscated and held in the
office until the end of the day. Additional
violations may result in device having to be
picked up by a parent. Additional restrictions
will apply for repeated violations."